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Clean Your Inner Clutter

Hey friends!

Expanding on our vision of creating a broader support system for our little tribe, I have asked Dr. Sofia Costa, superhero physical therapist and healer, to share her wisdom with us. Please check her out and connect with her. She is a joy to speak with and truly a gifted healer. Also, check out her new book, The End of Back Pain: The Secret to Gaining Relief and Staying Active.

I moved to LA in 2013 and I got a taste of what LA traffic was like.

Congested, restricted, slow moving, stressful, painful, frustrating, and draining.

And it took me a while to realize ‘Wait a minute, LA traffic is part of the package of living here, so it’s pointless to continue to feel stressed about it.” So, I chose to shift my perception and began to use traffic as an opportunity for me to check in with myself, breathe, slow down, be present and enjoy jamming out to my favorite songs.

And this shift in perception allowed me to feel good regardless of what was going on outside of me.

You see, LA traffic happens, but you get to choose if it has power over you or not.

Same thing with the body.

Feeling congested, restricted, slow moving, stressed, pain, frustrated and drained relates to LA traffic inside your body.

And you must figure out where you have LA traffic (inner clutter) in your body, then tend to it so you can clear the path and allow things to flow and move again.

You can clear the inner clutter by breathing, moving your body, hydrating, meditating, journaling, being attentive to your thoughts and words, and by eating high-vibing foods.

PLUS, you can add my favorite, Clear Inner Clutter Sound Meditation. During this sound meditation, I guide you to connect to your breath by breathing in clarity and breathing out clutter and at the end, I say affirmations to shift you from feeling anxious and overwhelm to feeling limitless.

Email me at if you’d like to receive the 15 minute Clear Inner Clutter Sound Meditation.

Don’t allow the clutter in your life to have power over you.

Use it as an opportunity to check in with yourself, breathe, be present and jam out to your favorite songs.


Dr. Sofia Costa is more than a typical Doctor of Physical Therapy. She integrates functional medicine, emotional healing, gut health, movement, and energy medicine. She is also the author of The End of Back Pain: The Secret to Gaining Relief and Staying Active and has been featured in VoyageLA Magazine as one of Los Angeles's most inspiring stories.

Dr. Costa continues to inspire by teaching educational workshops, speaking at various health and wellness events, podcast features, and soon to be leading retreats.

Learn more about her by checking out her website at and follow her on Instagram @drsofiacosta

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